Teaching Schedule

Stephen will be spending much of 2024 at home in France in order to finish his book-in-progress: Buddhism, Socrates and Us: Notes for an Ethics of Uncertainty. This will be published by Yale University Press in 2025.

April 21, 4:00pm at Yale University: LO2 Humanities Quadrangle, 320 York Street. Secular Buddhism & the Timeless: a conversation with Stephen Batchelor & Bikkhu Santi.

Join us for a public installment of an ongoing, unlikely conversation between the instigator of Secular Buddhism and a free-range but fully ordained Theravada monk. Stephen and Ven. Santi will discuss Buddha, Socrates and Us: Notes for an Ethics of Uncertainty (Stephen’s forthcoming book, from Yale University Press); meanings of monasticism from and for science-informed, politics-alert viewpoints; writing and the creative life; and the import of ancient wisdom for our contemporary moment.

Buddhism without Beliefs: A Skeptic’s Path to Enlightenment, a podcast with Scott Snibbe, is now available HERE.